Knowing Your Cloth Size

Knowing your cloth size isn’t just for your designer to make a beet suiting cloth for you. It also assists you when you want to get a cloth for yourself at the store. As long as you know your cloth size, you wouldn’t have issues figuring out a size that works best for you. 

When taking your measurements, you should use a cloth measuring and not a metal measuring tape. This is to avoid incorrect measurements. Also, you should be on a baggy cloth when taking your measurements. You can measure on your bare body or on your tight-fitting cloth. 

Steps to Knowing Your Cloth Size

To know your cloth size, it is expedient you take the following measurement.

 Bust or Chest

You need your busy or Chest measurements for tops and gowns for women. Place one end of the tape and wrap it around your bust or Chest, you keep the tape parallel to the floor.

Keep the measurement snug and not too tight so you will be comfortable when you wear your clothes. 


You need to measure your waist. To discover where your waist is located, you measure 2 inches at the upper part of your navel. Afterward, you place one edge of your tape and you wrap it around your body. The waist is the smallest part of your waistline. Make sure your measuring tape is a bit loose to avoid your cloth waist being too tight. 


The hip measurement is also important in knowing your cloth size. Stand with your feet together. Measure the fullest part of your hip i.e the buttocks. It is recommended you have a friend to help you out while measuring the hip or better still, have a mirror in front of you to avoid having issues as well as to get the actual hip measurement.


The inseam measurement is needed for knowing your cloth size because it helps you know the size of your trouser pants and jeans. The inseam is the distance from the uppermost part of your thigh to your ankle. Measure from the crotch to the cuff in the inside seam of the leg. 

Neck Measurement

Neck Measurement is important for sizing men’s dress shirts. You place your measurement around the base of your neck and around your Adam’s apple. Make sure the tale isn’t too tight; move it around your neck to ensure it’s free. 

Sleeve Measurement

To measure your sleeve Measurement, you can tell your friend to do that for you. You place your measuring tape at the tip of your shoulder down your arms. You stop the tape at the exact place you desire your sleeve to reach. 


Knowing your cloth size is important for you to get the best clothes for yourself. It helps you while shopping online as you only need to send your cloth size measurements and you get a perfect dress. Hope you find this helpful? Drop your views in the comment section. Before you go, Check out How to Start a Fashion Boutique Business.

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