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Super Cool Ladies Haircut Styles + Maintenance

Ladies Haircut Styles

Long hairstyles are not everyone’s best hair. With ladies haircut styles come lesser maintenance and lesser bulk of hair to be carried on the head. Plus, there are numerous styling options that you can try out on them.

In this post, we detailed the maintenance tips for most haircuts because little maintenance does not mean no maintenance at all. We also pictured some of these hairstyles to give you creative ideas for when next you visit the salon.

Caring for Your Haircuts

The different kinds of haircuts require different maintenance styles. Some of these tips include:

1. TWA

For Teeny Weeny Afro or Twa, avoid applying so much heat on the hair so it doesn’t damage the scalp and delicate tissues in the skull interior. Excess heat can also stunt the hair thereby retaining it at the early stages of growth.

You should shampoo and deeply condition your hair regularly, but ensure you use products suitable for your hair type and texture. This hairstyle is perfect if you can’t stick with the long procedures involved in maintaining high Afro hair


2. Bald Head & Short Hair

Yes, balding your hair allows for the least maintenance costs but not zero maintenance. It’s easy for people with bald hair and very short hairstyles to think they don’t need any maintenance tips for their hair, but this is quite the contrary as bald hairstyles easily flake out.

Using regular bar soap on the bald head or short hair allows for oils and dirt to build up, hence causing flakes and a very dry scalp. Shampoo and conditioner are much preferred if you are intent on your hair and scalp health.

Bald hairstyles are a great timeless and elegant look only for people who maintain them properly.

3. Waves

Whether it’s the 360 waves, finger waves, or the sea sick waves, you will have to regularly maintain your hair. The style may involve redoing the waves as often as possible to retain the waves in their beauty by brushing the wet hair and securing the waves in place.

Some waveforms do not need redoing as much as the above. However, you would need more strict wave maintenance tips if you want to spice up your haircut with different experimental colors.


4. Fades & Tapered Haircuts

The maintenance steps for fades and tapered haircuts are similar and largely depend on your hair volume and texture. Short natural hairstyles may require only shampoo and conditioning to keep them in good health, while longer ones need deep conditioning to get the contents into the scalp tissues.

When you have an extra pop of hair dye be it permanent or temporary, you would also need maintenance but not as much washing as with natural hair. Washing your hair too often strips it of natural oils and gives it a dry look. Make sure to condition regularly.

5. Curls

After washing, shampooing, and conditioning your hair, doing twist-outs with your much-preferred curling butter will help retain the curls on your hair.

Using bonnets, headwraps or scarves while sleeping applies to all kinds of haircuts.

Pictures of Ladies Haircut Styles You Should Give a Try

1. Super short blonde haircut

Ladies Haircut Styles

2. Neon pink dye for short hair

Ladies Haircut Styles

3. Curly cut with a single side line

Trendy Hair Cuts for Ladies

4. Two-tone natural design

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5. Mohawk cut + side lines + curls

Short hair cut for black ladies

6. Swirly short hair with a slight hard part and single side line

Black ladies hair cut style
Female hair cut styles in Nigeria

7. Creative haircut for short hair

Dyed low cut Hairstyles for females

8. Tapered buzzed cut with trendy patterns

Ladies Haircut style photo

9. Stunning Twa cut

Hair cut for ladies with round face

10. Swirly short hair with a slight hard part

Short hair cut for ladies

11. Mohawk with trendy patterns

Black ladies hair cut style

12. Colour mix with no side line

Short natural haircuts for black females

13. Super short blonde color combo haircut

Breathtaking Hairstyles for Short Natural Hair

14. Mohawk cut + side lines + curls

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15. Glam short hairstyle

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retro haircut

16. Two-tone natural mohawk design

Wave Haircuts
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17. Neon pink dye + curls + side shave cut

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18. High Buzz cut with love art side lines

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19. Blonde waves

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20. Gradient buzz cut

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22. Twa’s | Teeny Weeny Afros

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23. black short curly hair

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25. Blonde fade on a woman

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26. Purple fade haircuit women

Hair cut style for black ladies

27. Short blonde curly hair

African ladies Hair cut

28. Short Black tapered haircut

Low cut hairstyles for females

29. long curly tapered haircut for women

Ladies hair cut style

30. Locks on short red hair for women

Latest hair cut for ladies

31. Cute Short Haircuts

short hair

32. Short black hair with curls

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33. Natural Mohawk cut

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34. Fade for naturally coiled hair

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35. Natural undercut with shaved lines

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36. Side cut with twisted updo

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37. High buzz cut

short-haired ladies

38. Side patterns with centre ponytail

Mark Our Words: These Will Be the Best Haircuts for Women