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30+ Ibusa Traditional Marriage Attires

Ibusa traditional wedding attire

Ibusa traditional marriage attire shares similarities with the Igbo tribe and most ethnic groups in Delta state. The couple dress in isiagu, George wrappers, and beaded accessories. Want to see what Ibusa brides and grooms look like on their wedding day? Get on with us!

Ibusa is one of the Delta-Igbo tribes alongside Anioma. They are more similar to the Igbo tribe than Delta because they share a common boundary with the former.

Even as a small tribe in Delta State, Nigeria; they are blessed with rich cultural heritages, high-profile personalities, industrious and hardworking youths, well-cultured social history, and beautiful ladies.

Marriage Ceremonies in Ibusa Land

Every Nigerian tribe has its peculiarities when it comes to marriages and the Ibusa tribe is more of mixed marriage traditions of the Igbo and Delta peoples. Like most tribes, the Ibusa people have their cultures and traditions which differentiate them from others. One of which is their marriage customs.

Marriage for the Ibusa people and even their close relatives – the Aniomas, is held sacred. Unlike what is commonly seen in the media today on marriage separations and divorces, the Ibusans see such taboos that should never be made mention in their land.


The marriage ceremony among the Ibusans being closely related to that of the Igbos begins with a marriage proposal.

After an eligible bachelor has proposed his marital intentions to the young lady he wishes to marry, the Ibusa lady in question has to relate this to her parents and sometimes close relations.

It is from the feedback she receives that she can let her suitor know when he can come with his family to formally introduce himself to his prospective bride’s family.

Ibusa people

On the introduction day also known as “Iku aka” in Igbo land, the suitor visits the bride’s home in the company of at least two men from his family.

These can be his father, brother, uncle, cousin, or guardian. Both families get to talk and solidify an identity with each other. It is also at this Iku aka that the groom is given the marriage list containing items that he is expected to bring as part of the bridal price.

The major reason why this list is taken as more important than fixing a particular sum for the bride price is that the Ibusans and the Igbos in general see exchanging the bride for a given sum as selling their daughter. To counter this, they ask for gift items plus the bride’s price (Ego Isi Nwaanyi).


A day is fixed when this bride price and other gift items on the marriage list would be provided. After these payments are made, a date for the traditional marriage is fixed.


On the Ibusa traditional wedding day, the sitting arrangements for the bride and groom’s family are placed in such a way that the families face each other, the couple takes the adjacent side while friends and well-wishers sit across the couple. It is only on rare occasions that this sitting arrangement looks different.

The traditional marriage ceremony of the Ibusa people begins with an opening prayer usually said by the Diokpa who is the eldest man of the bride’s family.

Kola is shared to welcome the guests specifically the groom’s family since the ceremony takes place in the hometown of the bride. The groom’s family appreciates this kola being shared by returning drinks to the bride’s family.

Amidst the whole sharing that takes place, both families still partake in eating whatever they offer. For instance, even as the bride’s family offered the kola, they would still partake in eating it. And as the groom’s family brought the drinks, they too would share in the drinks.

The MC or spokesperson again declares the groom’s marital intentions to the bride’s family and the guests present at the occasion. The bride’s family publicly accepts the proposal. After these, normal wedding entertainments like dance and wedding games follow suit.


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